Together Caring for Community Health: A Look at Merit Tijuana’s Environmental Efforts

Image shows the 5 Behaviors of the Merit Way - Health, Excellence, Agility, Responsibility, and TeamworkAt Merit Medical, caring for community health and wellness as a team are important aspects of our core values. This teamwork includes working together to help keep our environment healthy. As part of an ongoing mission to care for the places where we live and work, our teams regularly engage in local conservation initiatives.

Our Tijuana facility is a shining example by leading the way in volunteer efforts throughout the year. Here’s a quick look at how our employees are helping to create a healthier world by remaining committed to community well-being.

Salvemos la Playa—Let’s Save the Beach

Through partnering with a local association, Salvemos la Playa (Let’s Save the Beach), our Tijuana team participates in regular beach clean-up activities. In the most recent effort, the team spent several hours gathering plastic bottles, cans, and other waste from the local beach. In total, they helped remove over 300 kg (more than 600 lb) of garbage from the area—creating a safer, cleaner environment for beach-goers and marine life.

Reforestation at Morelos Park

In July, Team Tijuana headed to one of the largest parks in the city—Morelos Park—to aid reforestation activities at its greenhouse. Employees helped water over one thousand plants, weeded five hundred, and transported many wheelbarrows of soil, all in the name of conservation. Their efforts go to show that through teamwork, we can all collaborate to achieve a common goal.

Recycling Plastic to Fight Childhood Cancer

Merit Tijuana employees gathered around the HEART-shaped recycle binAround the globe, Merit seeks to reduce excess material from our packaging, prioritize paper-free work orders, and recycle and reuse wherever we can, but Team Tijuana takes an extra step.

A HEART-shaped bin, a physical reminder of our Merit Way core values, is located in the facility to provide a convenient spot to dispose of plastic bottle caps. The caps are then donated to Banco de Tapitas AC to be recycled. Funds generated from the process go toward supporting medical treatments for children diagnosed with cancer. Just another example of how Tijuana is a team with heart.

Explore More

Image of the cover of the 2023 Merit Medical Sustainability ReportEach day, we strive to ensure our impact on the world is a positive one. By caring for our communities, we hope to inspire more good deeds, creating momentum that will carry us all into a healthier and brighter future.

See how else we give back by reading our latest sustainability report.