Features & Benefits
To restore and preserve access in chronically occluded veins, John Gurley, M.D.2 developed the Inside-Out approach – allowing clinicians to change the standard of care.

Totally occluded superior vena cava

Exit target provides a zone to position the Surfacer Device to exit the skin

Introducer sheath locked onto needle wire and pulled into right atrium
- Achieves repeatable and reliable central venous access to the right internal jugular (RIJ) vein
- Preserves the viability of secondary central veins
- Optimizes placement and maturation of permanent AV access
- 100% (12 of 12) of patients underwent successful central venous access placement3
- 100% (12 of 12) of patients maintained patency of central venous access through long-term follow-up visit3
- No device-related adverse events were reported within 48 hours and at 14-day follow-up visit3
- Supports the achievement of permanent AV access which reduces hemodialysis provider cost and downtime by decreasing catheter-associated morbidity and complications1
- Easier, minimally invasive procedure compared to surgical bypass for patients with totally occluded central veins
1. Data on file at Merit Medical.
2. Department of Cardiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.
3. Ebner A, Gallo S, Cetraro C, Gurley J, Minarsch L. Inside-Out Upper Body Venous Access: The first-in-human experiences with a novel approach using the Surfacer Inside-Out Access Catheter System. Endovascular Today. June 2013.
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