A minimally invasive procedure in which cement, designed for use in bones, is injected into the vertebral column. The cement functions as a sort of internal cast, providing pain relief and stabilizing the affected area of the spine. Merit’s steerable solutions provide physicians with the ability to gain a bipedicular footprint via a unipedicular approach.
Arcadia™ Next Generation Balloon Catheter
Steerable & Straight Balloon-Assisted Vertebral Augmentation
Designed to achieve controlled, precise, targeted cavity creation in your vertebral augmentation procedures, whether the approach is unipedicular or bipedicular.
StabiliT® VP Vertebroplasty System
Simplicity – Speed – Control
Combines Merit’s patented simple cement preparation with the controlled delivery of high-viscosity cement.
StabiliT® MX Vertebral Augmentation System
Steerability – Dexterity – Control
Create preferential paths for the controlled delivery of high-viscosity cement in various fracture morphologies.
Osseoflex® SB Steerable and Straight Balloons
Inflatable Bone Tamps
Utilizes either a unipedicular or bipedicular approach to create a cavity by compacting cancellous bone for the treatment of vertebral compression fractures (VCFs).
Targeted radiofrequency ablation (t-RFA) expands the range of treatment options for patients with painful metastatic spinal tumors as it is compatible with systemic therapies.
STAR™ Tumor Ablation System
Delivers meaningful pain relief and localized tumor destruction in a single treatment with targeted RadioFrequency Ablation (t-RFA).
StabiliT® Vertebral Augmentation System
Combines a targeted approach and ultra-high viscosity cement to treat pathological fractures and minimize extravasation in the vertebrae.
Procedure in which bone samples from the outer layer of bone are removed (with a special biopsy needle or during surgery) to find out if cancer or other abnormal cells are present.
Learn the demographics, diagnoses and most current clinical evidence regarding minimally invasive procedures for the treatment of pathologic vertebral fractures and spine tumor ablation.